21-Day Body Boost Program
Join Yvette (Certified NC) and Nicole (E_RYT)
for a 21-day Body Boost to bring your body back to balance and well-being with healthy eating
in combination with gentle yoga.
If you suffer from any of these symptoms this program is for you.
Oct. 2019 - class full
Jan. 2020 - class full
March 2020 - class full
Weight Gain
Achy Joints & Muscles
Brain Fog
Low Energy

Due to Covid-19 and SIP - I've been offering my 21-Body Boost program via Zoom without yoga.
There's no better time than now to build up your immune system and feel your best while battling this virus.
The 21-DAY SPRING BODY BOOST PROGRAM will consist of 4 group sessions where you’ll be with an intimate group of fabulous women who will become an inspiration to your success. Our first session is to prepare you for the program. Yvette will educate you about toxins that you’re exposed to daily… in the food you eat, the water you drink, and the very air you breathe. The following 3 sessions will be guided group discussions to provide support, and inspiration to enable your success. All sessions will include gentle yoga led by Nicole to help support the wellness of the whole body.
This program will be a whole-foods approach where you will be able to eat delicious satisfying foods. There will be 2 days of the program requiring whole-foods in liquid form – but don’t worry – you will receive plenty of support and recipes through the liquid phase and the entire body boost process. You’ll find tremendous benefits in giving your digestion a break.
To keep you accountable and on-track, we will provide a daily journal to be used to record your daily food intake and yoga practice. This daily recording commitment will greatly enhance your ability to not only stay on course but also provides Yvette an ability to see if you’re providing your body the essential nutrients needed to support its functions.
The gentle YOGA practice added to the sessions will help keep you energized, boost your immune system, and help to process and reduce stress. You will find how little amounts of time practicing yoga can have a large impact on improving blood flow, supporting the lymphatic and digestive systems, and be another tool to aide in the body boosting process.
This 21-Day Body Boost will be just what you need to make healthy lifestyle changes for your overall health and wellness!
"I never knew how food could affect how much I felt. There was an obvious difference in my joints, in my gut, even my energy when I woke up in the morning. The educational component was eye-opening, the food program is not a fad diet, the yoga was gentle but effective, and the group meetings kept me on track. 100% glad I did it." - EsterR
"I joined Yvette Fantham and Nicole Byrne for the 21-Day Body Boost program earlier this year . It brought back balance and well being to my body with eating healthy foods in combination with gentle yoga . I lost 10 lbs, and I was able to learn that I could live without coffee! I highly recommend this 21 Day Body Boost program. " - MCE